An independent UK agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare, and for research into occupational risks in Great Britain, carried out a series of tests on three XD One Portable Dust Monitor units.
They compared them to the following dust monitors: Casella CEL-712 Microdust Pro, a Thermo Scientific MIE Personal DataRam (pDR) 1500, a TSI SidePak AM510.
The key elements of the testing were as follows:
- Tests were carried out in a calm air chamber.
- The tests used Arizona road dust, the industry standard for accuracy measurements and calibration.
- Fixed Concentration tests were performed at 2 mg/m³, 5 mg/m³ and 11 mg/m³.
- Stepped Concentration tests were performed moving from 2 mg/m³ to 5 mg/m³ and finally to 11 mg/m³.
- Simultaneous readings were taken using laboratory grade gravimetric sampling (TIOM and GK 2.69) to provide baseline accurate data from which to compare the portable units.
The results from the independent testing demonstrated that the XD ONE performs better than other personal dust monitors on the market. There were five critical messages from the testing as outlined below:
- The XD ONE performs as well as or better than the rival products in accurately monitoring for respirable dust.
- The tests found that the XD ONE unit’s performance was consistent between the XD ONE units, demonstrating that the good performance was consistent and repeatable.
- The XD ONE was consistent with laboratory grade gravimetric sampling units (the current industry standard, and often regulated methodology) at the tested dust levels.
- The XD ONE also performed as well or better than competitor products in ‘stepped-tests’ where the dust concentration was changed over time.
- The XD ONE is smaller, lighter, less fiddly and a single self-contained unit.